
Form Upgrade

We have made some big improvements on our forms and replaced our contact and email list section to now use Umso forms.
What is new?
  • Optionally hide the required * character on your form
  • Optionally hide labels
  • Optionally add legal text with or without required checkbox
  • Style your field border size, roundness, and color.
  • Updated form dashboard UI
  • Forms templates
What is next?
We will keep improving our forms, add more integrations and start adapting them to be used in other sections as well. If you have any recommendations let us know at
PS. If you had a contact form or email list section before, they won't be affected but if you delete that section you won't be able to add it again. We do suggest migrating to forms as they are more powerful and flexible and you can style them to look the same as our previous contact/email sections.